From the Beginning — How Did It Start?

“This is your place in the world and your life; go and do what you can with it, make it the life you want to live.” [Mae Jemison]

Read on to find out about the project that was born in my mind and where it came from?

Update after 02.24.2022 I wrote this post before 02.24.2022 I did not know that in a few days dozen Ukrainian people came to Poland and they will need help. Ower 2M people mostly woman and children are need chelp and Polish people give them help in a private house. Thank you! If you have some advice, on how Ukrainian people could earn money online please write it in the comments below this post.

It was the second half of 2019, actually the end of it, when the World heard about the release of the dangerous SARS-COV2 virus. Back then, no one knew what changes the coming months would bring for humanity in every corner of the earth. Certainly, no one could imagine how much people would be affected and how our lives would change. At that time, you imagined that today we would have so many restrictions, but also a huge mess that all countries and their economies would be affected. Did you think how much your life would change?

Since the beginning, I have been watching closely what is happening and what decisions are being made in the fight against the pandemic, but also what division of society has been created. There’s so much going on that more than one book has already been written about the pandemic. I’m not going to write much about it now, and I’m ending it right now so as not to tire you, dear reader. Actually, I do not take sides, because the more I listen to one side or the other, the more questions arise that I do not know how to answer. I also notice a lot of contradictory information, frequent changes of opinion by people who are authorities, and especially they, speaking publicly in the media, should weigh every word. Today I know one thing, I would never imagine such a world as I have today. Write in the comments what do you think about it?

“Our life is what our thoughts have made it.”

Marcus Aurelius

This whole situation got me thinking about what problems affected most people and how could it be remedied? I don’t want to list now because the list would be long, instead, I will tell you what answer to the above question came to me. I think the most important thing is to stay afloat and try to somehow control the direction in this very strong current so that it doesn’t carry you away from your goal. Now you probably thought, easy to say, but how to do it, where to start? People today are beset by so many problems that bombard them from all directions that they don’t even know what to do first. Many people have to reorganize their whole life, including finding a new job or a new livelihood. At some point I heard an answer, it popped into my head unexpectedly, as if someone was prompting me, and you know what I heard? Disconnect for a moment from everything that surrounds you and do not think about anything, there is only you and your future, think about how you want your next days to look like, what is your goal. Redefine yourself.

I started to wonder what is the most valuable for people today and what questions they most often look for answers to? In my opinion, regardless of age, the most frequently asked question is — How to live? Of course, there can be thousands of answers to this question and they are different for everyone. At this point, a project was born in my head to create a space for people where they could find answers to their questions, gain valuable and practical knowledge about earning on the Internet without leaving home. A place where everyone could build their own community, invite friends, meet new people, learn from others and share their knowledge. A community that would not be dependent on political correctness and artificial intelligence algorithms operating from behind the scenes in popular social networks.

If you have read to the end, please leave a comment. I greatly value your feedback and will definitely take it into consideration when creating future posts.

Please press the bell and follow me to get notified about the next article in which I will describe a completely Polish and above all FREE from censorship social networking platform which will soon be launched.

Currently, I’m preparing a step-by-step guide on how to start making money online for complete beginners. It will be published in the form of posts, so if you don’t want to miss any step, then press the bell.

Thank you for reading to the end.

Medium member since April 2022
Editor of SiecWsparcia
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An observer of the world, thinking independently, loving people and animals, hungry for knowledge and interesting facts. Start a new life at Internet after 50.