Have you already joined to Medium server on Mastodon?

2 min readMar 14, 2023

What is the Mastodon? Mastodon is a social media platform that stands out from the crowd. It’s unique in that it’s not owned by any one company, and instead consists of a network of servers called “instances,” each hosted and moderated by its own owner.

This gives users more control over their content and a more comprehensive range of connections compared to other social media platforms.

Have you already joined to Medium server on Mastodon? This is must have.
Photo by Rolf van Root on Unsplash

As a Medium member, joining Mastodon can have numerous benefits. Not only can you reach millions of potential readers, but you can also share your writing with this new audience.

Mastodon is known for being fast, stable, and professionally operated, and you can connect with other Medium writers and readers through a great local feed and hand-picked recommendations for exciting people to follow on Mastodon.

Joining Mastodon through Medium is made easier by the integration process. If you’re already a Medium member, you can create your me.dm account right away, while non-members can start their Medium membership to join me.dm.

Once you’re on me.dm, your profile information on Medium is copied over to your new Mastodon profile. Creating your Mastodon username is also a straightforward process. For now, your Medium username is reserved on me.dm so you’ll have an opportunity to register it before anyone else.

However, this reservation will expire after March 20th, so it’s recommended to create your account as soon as possible if you’re interested in doing so.

Overall, if you’re a writer or reader looking for a new way to connect with others, Mastodon is definitely worth considering.

The list of interesting and helpful articles about Mastodon:

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An observer of the world, thinking independently, loving people and animals, hungry for knowledge and interesting facts. Start a new life at Internet after 50.